1.I am Andrew Storch, a Junior majoring in Communication Design with a minor in Environmental Studies.

2.I have always been a painter and am very interested in graphic and product design. This class is required.

3.I have had a project or two in dreamweaver several years ago but other than that really no experience.

4.I hope to learn how to transition my ideas into functioning websites and maybe make my own website.

5.Alignment and sizes would be different, and function would take priority over aesthetics initially. Also designing a vertical scroll versus a horizontal spread is very different design-wise.

6.https://xyztype.com/ has a well-designed homepage that has a mouse-mirroring interactive element that is effectively designed with the look of the type foundry. The interactive element hooks the user and encourages website exploration.

7.https://www.dwell.com/ simply and elegnatly communicates a functionality and modernism that is indicative of the design magazine as a whole. The lack of excessive elements and only necessary features makes great use of negative white space.

8.https://www.ebay.com/ is an effective website. It is simple to navigate and has quick accessiblity menus and allows for a comprehension of the website navigation. The font sizes and menus are small and located at the top of the website, allowing the products to be the main focus of the website.